Monday 1 October 2012

Lemonade, science circus, friends and Hanz the Croc

Our first day in Kununurra was spent dealing with car problems, shopping and doing other odd jobs. But we also found plenty of time to swim, hang out and plan the launch of Zara's very own lemonade 
stall in Hidden Valley Caravan Park the following afternoon. Lemons and sugar were purchased, profit margins calculated, marketing strategies developed, key performance indicators negotiated...  Carefully designed posters were put up all over the caravan park with the support of the lovely caravan park staff. Next afternoon, Zara's stall was open from 2pm-6pm. It was a great success earning her a profit of $25 - big bucks for a 6yo! Zara was suddenly awoken to the thrill of business success. Watch out world!

All lemonade profits disappeared at the Kununurra market next morning. She may love making money but she has no love of saving it! We enjoyed the market and found some amazing fish cakes to munch on. While we were there we heard about a science circus that was in town. Sounded cool (?) albeit a bit weird so we headed on down to the civic centre, payed our couple of dollars and went in. It was totally cool - like scienceworks in a hall. The kids had a great time playing with all the stuff and then watching short plays about science every 30 minutes or so. In the last performance a dude set his hands on fire (on purpose) which was the highlight of the day!

Arriving back in the caravan park, we were pleased to see our friends Hannah and Michael set up next to us. We hadn't seen them for ages so it was a happy time. They had given two travelers, Chantelle and Emily, a lift from somewhere in the Kimberly where their car had given up the ghost. We played cards that night and ate delicious crepes, cooked by Emily who is French and knows how to do these things well. 

Next day was Father's day - the kids had made cards but otherwise we were completely hopeless. Still, grabbed some rolls and chicken and salad and lay in Celebrity Tree Park (famous for trees planted by 1980s celebrities - Rolf Harris, John Farnham, Harry Butler) and ate a picnic and watched the kits soaring above our heads. The kids made friends with a charming little boy who did endless enormous disgusting burps - eventually driving us from the park...

Once we had a hire car we did a day tour back to the Gibb to visit El Questro - one of the more famous stations in the Kimberly (visited by Nicole and Keith and famiy during the filming of Australia). We started at Zebede Hot Springs - a thermal spring which feeds a series of small rockpools at the bottom of a small waterfall. It was heaven. We lounged and luxuriated until 12pm when the pools are closed off to the hoi polloi allowing the rich to pay big bucks for private access... After lunch we decided to tackle El Questro Gorge - one of the more famous gorges in the station. We enjoyed the walk to the halfway pool where Bill and Zara had a dip, then we decided to hoik ourselves up over an enormous boulder to tackle the second half of the walk - despite ominous warnings that it is only for the serious adventurer or super-fit! It was pretty challenging, but the gorge was spectacular and it was fun hauling each other over rocks and splashing through rivers. Unfortunately we didn't look very closely at the time until near the end when we realised we had to turn back and rush home so as not to be late for a pre-arranged dinner with Hannah and Michael. So, without even reaching the end, we turned and tripped, jumped, stumbled and dragged each other back through the gorge. It was a hair-raising journey and we were all lucky to get through unscathed. We arrived huffing and puffing and scratched and bruised back at the car and sped back in the direction of Kununurra. As soon as we got phone reception we rang Hannah and Michael only to learn that the dinner had been cancelled because the restaurant was closed...

The following night we ate dinner at the Pumphouse - Kununurra's premier eating establishment. It is a lovely place right out on the river. Hundreds of creepy catfish squirm in the water surrounding the dining area and once a night one of the waiting staff comes out and throws some bread into the water. As soon as he hears the splash, Hanz the freshwater croc comes zooming into the writhing mass of fish grabs one in his jaws and is gone before you can believe what you have just seen. Cool. 

Zara the lemonade entrepreneur - with her underpants-clad assistant

The lovely pool at the caravan park - many happy hours spent here
El Questro Gorge

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